We recommend using the Demo Content Import Feature.

This is a great feature that helps novice WordPress users and veterans alike. This feature makes the necessary settings/configurations and installs demo content in the WordPress theme - categories, pages, posts, and widgets.

Your VamTam theme will look exactly like the one you see on our live preview. It doesn't matter if you know WordPress inside out or have seen it for the first time; it's always easier to modify posts, categories, pages, and widgets that are already there rather than creating them from scratch. Moreover, it is easier to understand how your new VamTam theme works.

Our Quick Import is a tremendous feature that will save you a lot of frustration and headache at a press of a button. Try it out. We promise you won't be disappointed.

You can access the feature from your WordPress admin panel:

WP navigation menu > VamTam > Quick Import

Click on Save Changes.

You can check here the complete Installation Guide.