In order to edit/remove the phone number and text in the Top Bar Area, please follow the steps below:

Step 1:

Please go to VamTam > Layout > Header > Top Bar Area

Please note that you can change the layout of the top bar from the option Top Bar Layout.



If you need to add social icons that not pre-built, we recommend using the "Text" layout instead of the one with social icons, and then putting the relevant [icon] shortcodes inside. You can use the page editor to generate the shortcodes: How to use shortcodes

Step 2: 

Please copy the original demo's code and paste it into the "Text" tab of a post/page text editor:


Here's the original code:

[column width="1/2"]

CALL US:  <a href="/contact-us/"><strong>715.387.5006</strong></a>


[column width="1/2" last="true"]

<div class="text-align: right"><span style="vertical-align: top;"><a href="#">[icon name="theme-bubbles" style="" color="accent3" size="16" ]  REQUEST A FREE CONSULTATION →</a>  

<a class="wpv-overlay-search-trigger" href="#">[icon name="search1" style="" color="accent3" size="16" ]</a></span></div>



Step 3:
Please switch to the Vamtam tab editor and make the changes you need:

Step 4:
Please switch back to the Text editor and copy the edited code. You can use the shortcut setting: Cmd+C / Ctrl+C (for Copy) and Cmd+V / Ctrl+V (for Paste)

Step 5:
Please go to Dashboard > VamTam > Layout > Header > and paste the code in the Top Bar Area field. You can place plain text, HTML and shortcodes.

Step 6:
Hit Save Changes button.

Step 7:
To see the changes please refresh your browser and/or clear browser cache.